This originally was supposed to be a chapter book of predictions to the extreme and how the world healed. It was started and then put aside in 1999. I had actually forgotten about it until after Covid hit and I was looking through some old writings. I read through and went, What?! Any way, it's a super short book, 3 small chapters, but it does represent how I look at some things and I get to share a bit of my personality.

This book is spiritually based, but there is always something to be said about pattern watching and imagination, no matter what you believe.

If you decide to purchase this little read, I will truly hope you get something out of it that sparks your own imagination in some way, and the awesome possibilities that exist right now in spite of the chaos that is increasing at this time.

Pause, breathe and be grateful for what you have. As the old saying goes. "Every day is a gift, and that's why they call it the present."
Do what you can to stay present and create new ways of being.

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Copyright Kathleen Pleasants