To receive Your Quantum Targeted Healing Live with Kathleen Pleasants, you just need to purchase the day or days of your choice. Once you have purchased, make sure you have the right time for your time Zone. We set up our Zoom Sessions on Pacific Standard Time, PST.
If you can't join Live, once you have purchased, your name is on the list and the Quantum Targeted Healing Live Session, all 3 Segments, will be sent to you. This will last anywhere from 45 to 50 minutes.
If you know someone who needs this, but wouldn't be able to use Zoom, or would prefer silence and maybe rest for a while afterwards, the treatment will be sent to them as well as long as a session was purchased for them under their name.
It's very important that we have your name for the Q.T.H. Live.
If we don't have your name, you will not receive the treatment.
Join us and try it for yourself.
You need to purchase the Zoom Session you want at least 10 minutes before the start time.